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Rusty White's Models

Not content with running Flagship Models and producing items for us modellers, Rusty also does his own models both for fun/show and for sale.

This kit is the Bluejacket Shipcrafters 1/92 scale Gambier Bay kit. The finished model of USS Salamoa measures about 32 inches bow to stern. She was painted in Measure 32/15a.

USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa
This is the detail built under the bow of the flight deck. Too bad it was all covered up once the flight deck was glued to the hull. 
Here's the detail under the aft portion of the flight deck. 
Most of the work on the hull took place here. The very thin spray shields were originally 1/2" thick Basswood. I thinned them down using a Dremel tool with a wood cutting tip. Once that was done it was just a matter of gluing on all the parts to the forecastle. 
USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa
The big number 96 on the flight deck was masked and painted by hand for a more realistic look. 
Overall view of the model. It looks deceptively small in this shot, but it's over 32" long. 
A good shot of the scratchbuilt island and platform. Notice the huge SK radar. It's about 1.5" side to side. 
USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa
Here's the squadron you get with the kit. The larger TBM's have about a 1.5" wingspan. 
Look closely and you can see the individual planks on the flight deck. Also notice the beautiful resin cast aircraft that came with the kit. 
USS Salamoa
USS Salamoa

Here are some shots of the 1/72 scale Gato sub I've been building for a client. It turned out very nice and here are some stats.
Kit: Scale Shipyard
Scale: 1/72 (4'-10" long)
Paint scheme: Ms 32/9SS
Railing (deck) .06 nylon fishing line with brass rod stanchions
Railing (conning tower) .06 brass rod with brass rod stanchions
Guns: cast metal HR Products
Flag: Duane Fowler's 1/192 scale decal sandwiching aluminum foil
Superstructure (periscope bracing) Periscopes are brass tube with telescoping brass tube inside with telescoping brass rod representing the periscopes themselves. Rest of the bracing is brass rod and plastic.
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub
Gato class sub


As well as subs, I also builds "targets", as certain SMMLies call them! Here are shots of my 1/350 Tamiya Fletcher, that has recently won the IPMS Metro Oklahoma City Quarterly club contest award.
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher
Tamiya Fletcher