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Shizouka Hobby Show 2001 - Club section

Pictures and text courtesy of: Johan Mryham

Here are a few pictures from the model club section of the Shizuoka Hobby Show this weekend which I though would be of interest for the SMMLies.

IJN Hiryu - note dolphins
IJN Hiryu
IJN Hiryu
The Hiryu is 1/100 scale and mainly made of cardboard (the air wing is of course Hasegawa plastic). You can see the modeler himself in the "Hiryu2" picture.
Note the dolphins in the "Hiryu1" picture, neat!

Pagoda structure
Pagoda structure
The Pagoda is built in 1/100 scale

Ferry diorama in 1/35
Ferry diorama in 1/35
The ferry diorama is made to 1/35 scale, very impressive

HMS Rodney and IJN Yamato
Yamato turret
I had to include the above wooden man of war.
A simply beautiful model
HMS Rodney & IJN Yamato The Yamato turret is in 1/150 scale