Leander Class Frigates
Author: Jim Alloway
Review by: Shane Jenkins
This 86 page
photo essay book consisting of over 100 photos covers the Type 12 Leander
Class Frigate. The photos themselves have been taken from the pages of the
RN's "Navy News" obviously using the original photos and their reproduction
is excellent. This book will prove most beneficial to any modellers wishing
to build a Leander Class Frigate as it appears to cover every RN Leander throughout
the RN service life of the class.
The idea of taking photos from the "Navy News" and republishing them in this format is one that modellers and naval historians should encourage from their respective navies.
This book will serve as a useful companion to the World Ship Society's book: Leander Class Class Frigates
Highly Recommended
Published by: HMSO
ISBN: 0 11 772485 0