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Plastic Ship Modeler 1994
The first year

By: Shane Jenkins

Plastic Ship Modeller started life with the test issue entitled "Plastic Model Ships", a title later changed to Plastic Ship Modeler.

Dan Jones set a good format from the test issue with an emphasis on both merchant as well as naval models covering IJN escort ships and a conversion to a sub tender using the 1/700 Hasegawa Hikawa Maru. He also started covering the growing resin ship industry and has been a big supporter of it.

The actual first four issues covered in detail the Kreigsmarine 'Z' class destroyers, their history and how to model them. This is an excellant series well worth chasing up (I used them to model a 1/700 Skywave Z-37 with Gold Medal Models photoetch).

PSM stalwart Ray Bean came onboard from 1994/1 with a 2 part series on the Canadian St Laurent FF Class. Plastic kit articles concentrated on the IJN WWII kits covering the Katori class, IJN Yubari, Minekaze DD, Kamikaze DD, Mutsuki DD, Ise/Hyuga BB.

Merchant ships covered the following: SS Pennsylvania 1872, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and the Hog Islanders.

PSM finished off the year with weathering and camouflage mixes for the USN by Randy Short (soon to become a familiar name with respect to colour chips). All in all a most impressive debut year. Dan started with a solid base on which to build and improve. His model magazine editorships stood him in good stead giving plastic ship modellers what they needed to have - a model magazine dedicated solely to their interests.