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Daring Class Destroyers
Author: Vince Fazio

By: Shane Jenkins

On the 13th August 1986, HMAS Vampire ("the last of the destroyers sleek"), was decommissioned thus ending an era in Royal Australian Naval history. She was gifted to the Australian Maritime Museum and in 1997 the Australian Government decreed in a special dispensation that she could fly the white ensign again.
The history of the RAN Darings is one of tragedy and triumph. From the tragic loss of HMAS Voyager off Jervis Bay in 1964 to HMAS Vendetta's time in Vietnam on the gun line (being the only Australian made ship on a tour of duty there). The four RAN Darings which includes HMAS Duchess ( transferred after the loss of the Voyager from the RN), served with distinction in the RAN as the last gun destroyers through to their final roles as training ships.
Vince Fazio and the Naval Historical Society of Australia have put together a very good book on the history of the RAN Darings complete with a brief history of the RN Darings and Weapons class destroyers. There are plenty of photos and drawings here in its 35 pages and the photo quality is reasonable. For some reason it has only been printed on one side of the page throughout the book giving the impression that there is more in the book than what there is, which is regrettable.

This book will prove valuable to anyone wishing to model the Darings (OZ Mods 1/700 and 1/350, Airfix 1/600) and as such is highly recommended.

Naval Historical Society of Australia
Australian Maritime Museum