HMS Hood Photoetch set
White Ensign Models 1/700
Review by: Shane Jenkins
It took a long time for someone to do a set for the Tamiya & Italeri Hood, but
last year WEM answered many a modeller's prayers when they released this set.
The set is designed by Peter Hall, based on his PE set for the WEM 1/350 Hood
& contains the following: Guard Rails, 0.5" Quad machine guns, 8 barrelled Pom-Poms,
Spotting Top starfish assembly, Anchors, Lifebuoy Racks,
rigging, Jack and Ensign Staffs, Main boat boom tackle, various davits, Semaphores,
Various ladders, 284 and gunnery radar, Main director arm stays, Stern boarding
pole, Searchlight lens cruciforms, Type 279 radar assembly, Spotting top yardarms,
Funnel Cap grilles, Foredeck ladders, Wireless House Aerial Spreaders, Mainmast
Starfish Assembly, Funnel Housing Vent grilles, Spotting top Station lights
and Aerial Spreader, Degaussing Cables, Anchor Cables, Boarding Ladders, Vertical
and Inclined Ladders doors hatches and more!
The instructions by Dave Carter are excellent, clear (even
for me). Once more, some research is required on the part of the modeller to
get the most out of the set.
I would recommend this set to any modeller with some experience in PE.