HMCS Snowberry K166 - Flower Class Corvette
L'Arsenal - 1/400 resin
By: Bob Pearson
much has been written about the history of the Flower Class corvette, that there
is no need to go into it once again. Suffice it to say that these important
little ships hold a place in the hearts of many, myself included. I have been
fortunate enough to acquire a half dozen of the L'Arsenal kits and I intend
to do an infrequent series of articles on converting them to the various 'typical'
configurations that they could be seen in during the Second World War. First
off will be an out of box build as the Royal Canadian Navy corvette HMCS Snowberry.
HMCS Snowberry Built by Davie Shipbuilding Co. Ltd in Lauzon Quebec, Snowberry
was originally intended for the Royal Navy, and as such she is in typical RN,
rather than RCN fit. The main differences between RN and RCN Flowers was in
the location of the galley - originally right aft in RN ships, later in front
of the funnel and behind and below the bridge in RCN, and the location of the
2pdr bandstand. The RCN moved it aft to open up the arcs of fire. Canadian yards
were building ten Flowers for the RN, however upon arrival in the UK, the RCN
was persuaded to man these ships themselves, although the RN would pay for their
upkeep. This led to the RN-owned, but RCN-operated Flowers being kept abreast
of the RN Flowers in new technology and refits, while the RCN owned Flowers
were generally a year behind their RN counterparts.
Commissioned on 15 May 1941, Snowbery took part in many of the furious convoy
battles of the period and assisted in the sinking of U-536 north of the Azores
on 20 November 1943. As built Snowberry had a short foc's'le, no radar, mast
before the bridge and the galley right aft. A refit in the US port of Charleston
between 8 December 1941 – 14 February 1942 saw her fo'c'sle lengthened and type
271 radar added. A second refit in May 1943 resulted in the appearance depicted
here. Her bridge is in the final configuration and the mast is behind the bridge.
An excellent series of photographs in the recent Warship Perspective: Flower
Class Corvettes (by John Lambert) show her leaving Charleston harbour on 14
May 1943 at the conclusion of this refit. Snowberry was returned to the RN in
1945, used as a gunnery target in 1946 and broken up in 1947.
As usual my main problem in building a kit was in determining just which one
to do it as. The L'Arsenal kit gives many options, but none of them appealed
to me at the time. As there was the great collection of photos of Snowberry,
I decided on her as she appeared circa November 1943, around the time of the
sinking of U536.
cleaning up the hull – it was cast with a block below the keel, I attached the
hull to its display base. As I plan a series of these ships, a simple base design
was chosen. The base consists of a section of pine in a 'T' section as used
for a drawer runner. Two holes were drilled into the base and the bottom of
the hull, metal rod was then glued in the base (using white glue), and the hull
using CA. Construction could now begin.
sprayed all parts with Testors Flat White (in the little bottles). The next
day I sprayed both camouflage colours on the hull. Normally I do one colour
per day, but this time I tried something a little different. First I masked
the areas that were to remain white, then I covered the section that were to
be Western Approaches Green and sprayed the WA Blue panels. For the blue I used
the same mixture I had done up for my 1/700 WEM
Buttercup, a dash of white added to Testors Sky Blue. I removed the cover
to the WA Green, gave the WA Blue a few minutes to dry and then carefully covered
them. The WA Green (mixture of Agama WW1 German Light Green and Testors White)
was then sprayed and all tape immediately removed.
next day I masked the upper hull and sprayed the lower hull with a mix of Ceramcoat
red and black. Again the tape was immediately removed. One more step remained
before I could begin adding the details to the model, the decks were painted
in a combination of dark grey for the metal areas and Humbrol 74 for the wooden
cladding on foredeck and around the stern depthcharge launchers. The bridge
decks were also painted in Humbrol 74.
The bridge is interesting as although the basic structure of the wheelhouse
and Asdic hut are resin, it is almost all photo-etch. I began by adding the
black window decals to the wheelhouse. The open bridge was assembled as per
the instruction by folding the verticals upright and CAing them in place. The
exterior weather breaks were then added to the sides of the wheelhouse and the
bridge was test fitted in place. . . oops, the protective uprights were too
high to allow the bridge to sit on top of the wheelhouse. Rather than cut them
down I CAed a shim of sheet styrene onto the wheelhouse and CAed the open bridge
on top of this. The three sides to the compass platform were then added as was
the type 271 radar shack. The final step was to add the lattice supports to
the bridge wings. I boo-booed and CAed these upside down – the thick side should
be up.
the skylights were added to the engine room casing. I painted the top of the
skylight black, leaving about 1.5mm around the edges white. The PE skylight
was then CAed in place over this. Other PE bits were placed where required.
These include the two Carley float platforms as well as splinter shields on
bow and amidships. The 4" platform was also added at this time.
The next step was to add the PE rails. The kit comes with three-bar rails with
a separate foot for each stanchion, however I replaced these with a set of three-bar
rails from Tom's Modelworks (with a solid bottom foot)... the real Flowers used
two-bar rails, and Tom's Modelworks also stock these – in fact I have since
acquired some and plan to one day replace those on this model with the correct
two-bar pattern. Ladders were also placed at this time.
The vents were CAed in place. Note that they do not need to be placed in any
one direction. Photos of Flowers show these at all angles, so feel free to do
so yourself. The 4" gun and the 2pdr were built and added to their respective
Carley floats had thin paper strips wrapped around them and they were then CAed
to their platforms. The two 16' dinghies were given thwarts from leftover PE
sections and CAed to the deck. I then placed their davits over them. I made
a mistake and used the depth charge davits for the boats, which meant the lighter
boat davits had to be placed aft for the depth charge throwers. Depth charges
and throwers were handpainted in a dark olive green and CAed in place.
The depth charge racks went together well and were CAed in place. They depict
a type seen on some Flowers, but most would be much lower and exit through the
stern rather than over it. I may correct this in the future (or not). Final
details were added and the fun part was now about to begin
I looked through 25 years worth of decals and was unable to find any that contained
the required K166, however I did find a set with X 0-9, so I made my own 'K'
by cutting an 'X' in half and adding an 'I' to it. I dabbed the spot where they
were to go with Future and began piecing the various component letters/numbers
in place. When done I gave them another dab of Future to seal them in place.
Later RustAll Flat was applied over the decals to get them back to the same
shine as the hull.
entire model was now given a wash of RustAll Rust. Later streaks of the same
were applied and then a wash of the black stuff was applied. The model was basically
done, except I looked at some photos of Snowbery in November 1943 and she was
wearing a maple leaf on her funnel. This wasn't there in the May 1943 photos,
but I had to add it. . which made the model now in November, not May. Canadians
in WW2 used a GREEN maple leaf, not the more familiar RED one of modern times,
however I only had red leafs on hand and used two of those.
The base was then painted in Ceramcoat Burnt Umber and given multiple coats
of Future. A final touch was the nameplate. I did this on my printer and added
the requisite green maple leafs.
Since completing the model I have begun work on all my Flower class illustrations
and in my research I found the emblem worn by Snowberry on her gunshield. I
shall add this to the nameplate in the future when I next need to print some
for the other Flowers I am working on. As mentioned I plan to more of these
- here is a preview of my short fo'c'sle conversion to an as yet unnamed RCN
I am pleased with the level of detail the kit provides. The instructions, while
appearing comprehensive are in French and require a good deal of study of the
diagrams to understand what is intended. The only real deviation from the kit
parts I can recommend is to get some Tom's Modelworks two-bar rails.
Do I like the kit? I have over a 1/2 dozen of them. .. you tell me. I purchased
my kit from
The above article was first published in Internet Modeler and is reprinted here
courtesy of the author and publisher.
Copyright © SMML 2003